M: 9466616956 | 9416710940 Email: rnspublicschool530470@gmail.com


At Rao Nihal Singh Public School, Darauli our Primary programme aims to cultivate happy, confident, and secure individuals. We believe that when learners feel a sense of well-being and emotional fulfilment, they are better equipped to embrace challenges and pursue their passions. Our curriculum fosters curiosity and self-motivation, encouraging learners to become lifelong learners who continuously seek knowledge and growth.

The Programme Focus

The Discovery zone focuses on enhancing the learner’s sensory skills and developing their scientific curiosity. The Creativity zone promotes imagination and self-expression through art and language activities. The Construction zone helps learners develop various motor skills and problem-solving abilities through building blocks, estimations, and measurement activities. They are also Introduced to the world of technology through educational games on iPad and Pre- coding activities. Multi sensorial manipulations allow learners to explore and investigate the variety of materials and develop various competencies required for language building, numeracy, and STEM activities. Through these zones, activities like play and learning stimulates learners to interact with peers and to express themselves freely.

Role of Enrichment Department

Enrichment Cell supports inclusive education. We the school counsellors and the special educators are uniquely trained in child development, self-management, and social skills. We promote holistic success for today’s diverse learners and strive to remove learning barriers by developing learners’ unique abilities and skills. School counsellors implement the personal Social-Emotional program along with need-based individual and group counselling. The Special Educator helps learners with unique learning needs to master the same information and skills as others in the school. The proactive program engages learners and includes leadership, advocacy, and collaboration with school staff, external agencies, and families in the delivery of programs to achieve success.

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