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Pre- Primary

In the Preprimary years the curriculum focuses on a learner-centred approach, where every learner’s learning journey is unique and catered to their individual needs. The activities are designed to promote exploration, experiential learning, and inquiry-based learning. We focus on their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Our approach includes experiential learning, play-based learning and project-based learning which makes it engaging and fun for the learners.

Areas Of Learning

The EduCreative learning environment is well-equipped and designed to support and activate different developmental stages of the learners in preprimary years. The wide range of learning zones such as Discovery zone, Creativity zone, Construction zone cater to the RNSPS belief that every learner is unique and different and have their own style of learning traits. These zones promote creative thinking, construct meaning and provide experiential learning to understand the purpose taught to them. Learners are taught to share, communicate, and collaborate with their peers.

The Programme Focus

The Discovery zone focuses on enhancing the learner’s sensory skills and developing their scientific curiosity. The Creativity zone promotes imagination and self-expression through art and language activities. The Construction zone helps learners develop various motor skills and problem-solving abilities through building blocks, estimations, and measurement activities. They are also Introduced to the world of technology through educational games on iPad and Pre- coding activities. Multi sensorial manipulations allow learners to explore and investigate the variety of materials and develop various competencies required for language building, numeracy, and STEM activities. Through these zones, activities like play and learning stimulates learners to interact with peers and to express themselves freely.

iPropel for Pre-Primary

iPropel at Rao Nihal Singh Public School, Darauli, comprises a variety of progressive, holistic, skill – based programmes wherein the learning happens by design and not default. Broadly classified across innovation, performance arts, research and reasoning, outreach, physical fitness, experiential learning and leadership skills, every component of the programme is age appropriate to further augment the curriculum. Skills acquired through iPropel are showcased through various culmination events such as Sports day, Jamboree- Multi day annual event, Theme presentation and cultural events. It provides opportunities to exhibit skills acquired through the programme. Hence, enhancing their intrapersonal skills and tapping their natural talent.

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