M: 9466616956 | 9416710940 Email: rnspublicschool530470@gmail.com
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About RNPS

RNSPS History


An Institution which stands for academic excellence with a modern outlook for the holistic development of the students emphasizing upon our ancient culture and human values. Great stress is laid on character building. The vision of our school is based on the motto adopted by the organization “Anushasan, Shrma, Atmabal.” We aim to equip our students with the following:-

Aims & Objectives

  •  To inculcate patriotic, social and ethical values which is essential for responsible citizenship.
  •  To encourage and develop the intellectual and creative abilities in them.
  • To arouse aesthetic sense in students and foster creativity and innovation.
  • To inculcate habits of personal as well as social hygiene and health consciousness for a happy and healthy life.
  • To make education a partnership between teachers, students and parents


RNS Public School, Darauli believes in providing quality education based on our rich cultural heritage imbibing ethos and values. The mission of the institution is to prepare students for the ultimate exam called ‘life’ by providing age appropriate knowledge while honing their inherent talents and empowering them

with life skills to ensure holistic development, so that the light of education radiate from the lives of each student. The hallmark of the school is to impart quality, holistic education to all sections of the society at an affordable price by providing excellent facilities in scholastic and co-scholastic arenas.

Our Philosophy

  • To empower each child to achieve his highest potential with aware guidance and adequate motivation
  • To make learning so engaging that every student is excited about his academics and achieves spontaneously
  • To focus on grooming, presentation, and communication skills
  • To initiate leadership qualities by building their self-esteem and assigning roles and responsibilities for the same
  • To impart global awareness by exposing them to celebrations and events of the world
  • To create interest in Geographical aspects and concerns so as to create personalities with global awareness and to tackle universal concerns with multicultural ownership and command
  • To expose them to creative arts of the highest order and initiate their own creative aspects without adherence to the internet
  • To expose them to expression arts for emotional growth and understanding of the world
  • To focus on their physical fitness with traditional yet global yoga and mastery over high-end sports of many kinds
  • To focus on their nutrition facts with high awareness of health and hygiene
  • To enhance their Mathematical logic and scientific skills with the help of our high tech labs and equipment
  • To enhance their love for nature and environmental roots by ecological activities like farming, growing plants, recycling, and reusing materials and wastes
  • To nurture their mind with inspirational stories, enactment opportunities, character-building activities, social work, and collaborative role modeling
  • To nurture their emotional well being by sharing sessions individual observation, non-judgmental empathy guidance
  • To initiate spiritual growth by being a non-competitive, peace-loving space with nurturance for the soul, unconditional love, and care for the child as its core value
  • We inspire children to be the best of their own self and dare to become what they would as masters and creators of their own destiny
  • To encourage children to participate in varied activities to discover their own aptitude and potential
  • To focus on lingual expertise and effective listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills with the help of our reading lounges
  • To empower them to find solutions to problems and situations by group work, discussions, debates, research, analysis, and documenting

Our Philosophy

The school is committed to providing the highest quality education for all in an environment that cares for our students, staff, and parents.

Our Principle

Ensure that participants are engaged in the teaching-learning process. Also, Empower the participants with information and knowledge to make decisions and actions on real-life sustainability issues.

Key Of Success

Projecting its schools as the servants of the community and accepting its responsibility in providing the necessary skill set to enable the learners to work effectively in a global environment.

Special Campus Tour

Campus on a tour designed for prospective graduate and professional students. You will see how our university like, facilities, students and life in this university. Meet our graduate admissions representative to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it the best for you.


Brand new school following some of the latest educational and teaching methods to teach its students to bring out the best of them. The Rao Nihal Singh Public School, Darauli regularly updates its educational methodology to counter the latest tweaks in the education world.

Powerful Alumni

A school’s alumni are the reflection of its past, representation of its present, and a link to its future. They are a strategic asset for an educational institution willing to stand out from the domestic and international competition by being a powerful resource for the school and its students both today and in the future.

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